Figurino Soft tailored leather lightweight lace-up shoes that wrap around the foot (off-white)



item explanation

Notice: The policy of return/exchange in item explanation is only for Japan domestic shopping. For overseas customers, please refer to FASBEE's policy.
◇フィグリーノ Figurino 足を包み込む、やわらか仕立て レザー軽量レースアップシューズ
屈曲性がよく、 着地から蹴り出しまでの動きがスムーズ◎
カラー オフホワイト
サイズ 22.5cm/23cm/23.5cm/24cm/24.5cm/25cm
実寸 23.5cm : 重さ:158g, ヒール寸:2cm, プラットフォーム高さ:1cm
素材 表素材:本革
原産国 日本
Notice: The policy of return/exchange in item explanation is only for Japan domestic shopping. For overseas customers, please refer to FASBEE's policy.